Voicetrainer Blog

Morning Routine - Body and Voice

Posted on May 7, 2012 in Body and Voice

Your morning routine sets the stage for your day. For instance, if you are running late, your day will likely feel rushed and uneasy. On the other hand, if you leave yourself plenty of time to get ready, your day will likely flow smoothly and comfortably.

You want to make sure that you stretch your body, prepare your voice, and relax your mind every morning after getting out of bed. 

First, right after you stand up, do a couple stretching exercises:

  • Clasp your hands together and push them out in front of your body as far as they will go, with your palms facing away from yourself. Now raise your clasped hands up towards the ceiling, pushing your palms away from your body as far up as they will go. Breathe into your stretches.

  • Roll your head to your right shoulder, then let it fall back with your jaw open, roll to the left shoulder, and then let it fall forward. Do this several times in both directions to relax your neck and throat.

  • Do ten shoulder rolls and then ten arm circles in a forward and then backward direction to loosen up your stiff joints.  Be sure to allow your arms to swing naturally as you move throughout the day.  We often hunch our shoulders and clench our fists without realizing.

Now, it's time to prepare your voice:

  • Glide upward from your lowest pitch to your highest pitch on the vowel (ee) or (oo).  Then glide back down. Do this twice, making sure to use breath from your lower rib cage to sustain the sound. This exercise stretches your vocal folds and helps get your breath ready for speaking.

  • Flutter your lips making the sound of a horse, or do tongue trills to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." This will coordinate your breath and sound.

  • Count from 10 to 70, intentionally pausing to allow breath to replenish after 20, 30, 40, 50 and so on. Be sure that every tenth number (20, 30, 40...) are pronounced loudly, with clear diction. If you run out of breath, pause and allow air to come in.  The goal of this exercise is realize that your replenishing breaths are small and will occur automatically if you allow them to.

In conversations, begin to notice if you tend to speak in very long sentences rather than pausing and letting air replenish automatically.

Finally, make sure to relax your mind for the day:

  • Every morning, visualize what you want to accomplish that day. Think of three goals you want to achieve, and visualize how empowered you feel after completing them.  Start fresh every morning with 3 new goals or with new steps necessary to complete yesterday's goals. Stay calm but focused.

  • Every morning while standing in front of the mirror, recite one positive affirmation about any aspect of your life (physical, mental, professional, social). For instance, I may repeat to myself, "I am a technological genius at my company." These statements may make you feel uncomfortable at first, but that is the point. Recite this affirmation every time you look at yourself, and soon the uncomfortable feeling will turn into a positive, optimistic one.

  • While commuting to work, imagine yourself on a beach or mountain top, and visualize every aspect of your surroundings ( scenery, temperature, weather).  Imagine your body filling up with bright glowing sunshine, spreading into your heart and lungs, your arms and hands, and your legs and feet. Finally, picture the sun's rays leaving your body, and focus on the warm, tingly sensation that you feel. This will help relax your mind, while making your body feel completely calm and peaceful.

Learn tips for your morning routine by viewing my video series, Speaking 360.  Here, I demonstrate how to warm up your body, and here, I review more techniques to refresh your mind. Please send me feedback!

Please view my website for more information at www.voicetrainer.com

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