Speech Therapy*Therapy services available in Washington DC, Tysons Corner and Reston, VA* Motor speech impairments cause speech to be unclear or dysarthric because the speaker cannot easily form sounds into words. This condition may occur following tongue, throat or neck surgery, or in neurological conditions such as a stroke or Parkinson disease because of motor weakness, limited range of motion or incoordination. Dysarthria is the term used for speech characterized by slurred speech, a slowed rate or a rapid rate with a mumbled quality, abnormal pitch, stress or loudness fluctuations or changes in nasality. Lisp is treated as well. Speech therapy includes a formal speaking assessment during which your sound errors and patterns are analyzed during reading and during conversation. Your ability to discriminate correct from incorrect sounds is also tested. Following the assessment, a therapy program is customized to meet your needs. Speech treatment is based on a functional approach taking into account your therapy goals, the severity of your disablity and the specific treatment approaches available. Our goal is to maximize your communication efficiency, speech intelligibility and naturalness.